There are two choices of subscription for our Client Communications product:
- Micro-business
- Professional
The ‘Micro-business’ version is, as you might expect, designed for very small businesses, typically with one user, and typically without their own email domain (for example, using an email address such as examplebusiness@gmail.com).
Whereas the ‘Professional’ version is designed for any business that has its own email domain (for example, using email addresses such as employee@examplebusiness.com). It comes with branding options and enables users to send emails direct from their existing email account.
The Micro-business version of Client Communications is a single-user product that allows you to send encrypted emails and document signing requests from within the Keepd portal.
It also includes full access to all the features of our individual Keepd product, including private file storage, file sharing, private notes, email storage and more.
There is a storage limit of 10 GB, and a limit on the number of recipients to whom you can send encrypted emails and document signing requests (there is no limit on the number of standard emails you send). If you exceed either of these limits, you will need to pay for additional usage. The price of this is the same as if you paid for a second user.
The number of recipients is counted on a rolling 12-monthly basis. So if you last communicated with a recipient over a year ago, they will be removed from the count.
There is a 7-day free trial period when you sign up and you can cancel any time. For more information on pricing see here or contact us at sales@stayprivate.com.
The Professional version of Client Communications is designed for any business which wants to be able to communicate professionally and securely with its clients online.
It includes:
- encrypted email;
- file sharing;
- document signing requests;
- branding;
- server integration (meaning you can send encrypted emails and document signing requests direct from your existing email account);
- unlimited users;
- everything else in the Micro-business version.
Pricing is based on the higher of the number of recipients and the amount of storage. You pay for units of 50 recipients and 10 GB storage, and there is a minimum price of 2 units.
As with the Micro-business version, the number of recipients is counted on a rolling 12-monthly basis. So if you last communicated with a recipient over a year ago, they will be removed from the count.
There is a 7-day free trial period when you sign up and you can cancel any time. For more information on pricing see here or contact us at sales@stayprivate.com.