
A brief introduction to StayPrivate Secure Email

Updated on February 13th, 2025


StayPrivate Secure Email enables you to communicate in private with clients online, whether you are sending emails, getting documents signed, or sharing files.

StayPrivate is used by thousands of companies and organizations worldwide, across nearly every sector. The four most well-represented sectors are financial services, accounting, social services, and legal services.


Getting started (Micro-business Version)

To get started simply sign up (full instructions here) then head over to the Keepd® secure communications portal at and log in to start using the service.


Getting started (Professional Version)

To get started with StayPrivate Secure Email, simply follow the steps below. Step 2 (configuring your DNS settings) is recommended but not necessary. When the DNS is configured, email notifications triggered by StayPrivate will automatically be sent using the sender's actual business email address rather than a StayPrivate email address. Having said this, the service will still work perfectly will without the DNS configured.

  1.  Sign up - full instructions here.
  2.  Configure your DNS settings - full instructions here.
  3.  Add your branding - full instructions here.
  4.  Use the service from your corporate email - full instructions here.

As well as sending direct from their business email account, your users can also use the service by logging into the Keepd® portal at


Administration (Professional only)

All administration is handled in the admin portal, available at Note that, to ensure full data privacy, the admin portal is completely separate from the Keepd® secure communications portal (which you can access at

You can use the admin portal to manage various company-level settings, to keep track of usage, and to create additional admin users. There is no charge for admin users.